The Old Machine House - Askeskar, Sweden

Please join us in our adventure this summer. Your comments will assist us in our goal of creating a beautiful but small summer house that all of you hopefully can one day join us on the decking for a glass of wine.

Please dont forget to leave your comments, we do find them very interesting and amusing at times.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Time to get back to work

Sunday saw the storm moving away which meant that we could get back to work. As you can see the unit was finally cleared out and we could see just how much space we had. All the walls and floors have been prepared for the grid which when up will hold the panelling which will make it look like a cabin.

The rear door has been insolated and covered over with a spare metal panal from the existing walls and this finishes off the construction. Now to fit the new frontage and the windows.
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  1. Getting there! Where are you going to put the hot tub then???? (yes,the naked one!)

  2. Right outside my bedroom window. Guess Vix is looking forward to that.
