The Old Machine House - Askeskar, Sweden

Please join us in our adventure this summer. Your comments will assist us in our goal of creating a beautiful but small summer house that all of you hopefully can one day join us on the decking for a glass of wine.

Please dont forget to leave your comments, we do find them very interesting and amusing at times.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A sad day.

Today Maria and I got up and started another day in the house. Maria set about painting the door and some more windows and I finished the panelling of the walls. Tomorrow we should set about the ceilings and hopefully starting to fit the chimney.....:-)
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  1. Sicka små arbetsmyror!!! Oj vilken progress!! We sooo lock forward to pay you a visit in June! Det ser verkligen toppen ut! Saknar er mycket!

    Stora kramar från alla oss Dellbratt's

  2. What a big difference in just a week.
