The Old Machine House - Askeskar, Sweden

Please join us in our adventure this summer. Your comments will assist us in our goal of creating a beautiful but small summer house that all of you hopefully can one day join us on the decking for a glass of wine.

Please dont forget to leave your comments, we do find them very interesting and amusing at times.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mr Frog!

Outside the builkding is the old fuel tank which is set under the ground. Accessed by a manhole Maria decided to take a look inside only to find that most of the hole was filled with soil......Sat on top of the soil directly in the center Mr Toad was sitting where for maybe 2 years he has lived on the grubs down there, not able to get out.... Maria comes to the rescue and saves the old fella.!
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  1. Wow!!!!!
    Check out Madge, she is the hero of the hour.

  2. Maria, det är lite orättvist... Ni sitter som Robinson Crusoe och Fredag på en ö utan dush och elektrisitet och ändå ser du jävligt snygg ut! Vi andra dödliga får minsann kämpa för det, men äh, jag har gett upp!

    Jag avundas er...

