The Old Machine House - Askeskar, Sweden

Please join us in our adventure this summer. Your comments will assist us in our goal of creating a beautiful but small summer house that all of you hopefully can one day join us on the decking for a glass of wine.

Please dont forget to leave your comments, we do find them very interesting and amusing at times.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The front inner

Finally for Friday you see the new front door that Maria and her mom Ingrid baught yesterday. Guess I have the lovly job of cutting a whole in this and making yet another lovly window. As you can see from this the two new windows will add some light but due to spacing cant be too wide.
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  1. The last suggestion is, are you putting in a catflap?! :-)

  2. And has the home brew sloe gin on the island affected your spelling??!! :-)


  3. Cat flap maybe!! Spelling, the truth is with all this work my hands feel like they belong to a 90 year old man.

  4. Det ser verkligen såå mkt bättre ut än vad jag kunnat föreställa mig innan. Det blir ju ett riktigt hus ju! Ingen konservburk alls! Såå glad för er skull.

    Sorry Daz, too late in the after noon to write in a English. Bot all in all, relly good work! Looks so much better than I expected. What happened to the tin can??

