The Old Machine House - Askeskar, Sweden

Please join us in our adventure this summer. Your comments will assist us in our goal of creating a beautiful but small summer house that all of you hopefully can one day join us on the decking for a glass of wine.

Please dont forget to leave your comments, we do find them very interesting and amusing at times.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The day we all nearly died.

Friday arrived with a bang...... We decided last night to lay the nets for the first time with Marias father. Not thinking about the total weather change which was around the corner. Sadly for us we had to take our smaller boat instead of Bengts boat as there was an issue with it.

Having got a mile out the weather totally changed completly and for the first time ever I feared for my life. Non of us expected the change so quick and for 3 of us in the small boat it was dangerous and stupid. I quickly turned the boat around and faught the waves to get us back into land. Words to you cannot describe the fear that went through Maria and my mind today. Glad to say we got back safe and could tell you all about it.

Just when things looked up Bengt needed emergency dental treatment and was forced to go into town through all of this. Having grown up on these waters and fished them for all his life I guess the fear was not so great with him.
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